Friday, March 23, 2012

Restore SQL2000 database using vbscript

I am trying to use a VBscript thru installshield to restore a sql2000 database. the script (below) worked fine for default instance of database. but with a specific named instance I get error 3201. any ideas? thx - Prasanna

dim sql
dim sqlRest

on error resume next
Set sql = CreateObject("SQLDMO.SQLServer")
sql.LoginSecure = True
sql.Connect ".\TEST2000"

Set sqlRest = CreateObject("SQLDMO.Restore")
sqlRest.Files = "c:\testdb.bak"
sqlRest.Database = "TESTDB"
sqlRest.Action = SQLDMORestore_Database
sqlRest.ReplaceDatabase = True
sqlRest.SQLRestore sql
msgbox err.numberFound a solution:

The backup was created using default instance of SQL2000 and once I used a backup created using the 'TEST2000' instance the script worked. I think you can use the RelocateFiles property of the SQLDMO Restore object to set the location of the data and log files but due to time constraints I could not try that solution.


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